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First Responders in Fort St. James
Fort St. James Volunteer Fire Department
The Fire Hall is located at 374 Manson Street, with a satellite hall at 11700 Sowchea Road. The protection area covers all of the District of Fort St. James, Nak’azdli Reserves No. 1 and 2, and a large portion of Regional District of Bulkley Nechako Rural Area “C”.
The Department is managed by a full time Fire Chief, with fire protection and suppression provided by 23 paid on-call fire fighters.
You can download an application here. To learn about becoming a fire fighter please contact the fire hall for more info: 250-996-8670 or email the Fire Chief.The Fort St. James Detachment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police covers the municipality as well as a large rural area and Nak’azdli, Tl’azt’en, and Yekooche First Nations. The RCMP members and staff are committed to working with the community to ensure that we enjoy a safe community.
Fort St. James and area are served by B.C. Ambulance Service, which has a station located in the District with two ambulance units that are staffed 24-hours per day.
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