Guide to Business

We gratefully acknowledge that the District of Fort St. James is on the unceded traditional territory of the Nak'azdli Whut'en where we live, work and play.

Fort St James is the regional service hub for 5 First Nations communities and for all residents north from our location, to the Yukon border. We are honoured to reside on the traditional territory of Nak'azdli Whut'en

We provide support services for health, government services and provisioning for communities as far afield as Germansen Landing, Manson Creek, Rainbow encampment, Yekooche and Babine east settlements, to name a few.  Bring your small business ideas to Fort St James and be part of a thriving northern community network!

Business Licensing


Organizations that can Help You Succeed

Bid & Business Opportunities

Tourism Business Opportunities

Tourism, destination development or services - there are endless opportunities in our region. Our pristine natural environment features opportunities for accommodation service businesses like resort camping, glamping, and more; opportunities for natural