Permits and Licences
All open burning in Fort St. James requires a burning permit, pursuant to the Fire Regulation Bylaw. Most types of burning are prohibited, but the Fire Chief may issue permits for backyard campfires, and in some circumstances, land clearing waste. You must have a permit to light fireworks. Burning garbage, yard waste or grass is not permitted. Burning permits issued are free of charge and can be obtained at the municipal office or at the fire hall.
Residents operating a business within municipal boundaries must apply for a business license and renew it each year. Fees vary depending on type of business and the floor space of the location the business operates.
For building and development permits and applications please see the planning and building page.
The District’s Animal Regulation Bylaw requires that all dogs kept within municipal boundaries be licensed. Annual dog licenses can be purchased at the District office for a small fee. We will need to know your pet's name, breed, colour and size. Licenses must be renewed every year in January.