Delegation Request Form

Appearing Before Council as a Delegation


Council meetings are generally held the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. Please check the meeting schedule on the District website or ask staff for the dates of upcoming meetings.


Council limits the number of delegations appearing at a meeting to two. We recommend that delegations apply well in advance of their preferred date.



To apply to appear before Council,

  1. Please complete, date, and sign the application form. If you wish, attach additional documents that support or explain the purpose of your presentation.
  2. Submit the form and supporting documents by email to, by mail to PO Box 640, Fort St. James, BC V0J lP0, or by hand delivery to the District office at 477 Stuart Drive West.
  3. If you will be presenting supporting materials such as a PowerPoint presentation, please provide your materials no later than 1:00pm on the Friday before the meeting.
  4. If you bring additional documents not published in the agenda, please bring a minimum of ten copies for distribution to Council and staff.
  5. If your delegation request is refused by the corporate officer, you may appeal the refusal to Council. Council may choose to hear the delegation by unanimous vote of members present.

Staff will contact you to confirm the date of your appearance before Council.

Your application form and supporting documentation will be included on the meeting agenda that will be posted on the District website. Your name will appear on the agenda. Personal information such as personal email addresses, phone numbers, and addresses will be redacted from the documents.

Delegations are allocated up to fifteen (15) minutes. Please leave some time after your presentation for questions.

Correspondence and petitions for presentation to Council must be legibly written, typed, or printed; signed by at least one person; dated; and must include a contact phone number and address.

Helpful Tips

  • Arrive 10 minutes in advance of the meeting start time
  • Turn off cell phones and pagers
  • Be prepared
  • Speak clearly
  • Direct your presentation to the chair of the meeting (usually the mayor)
  • Keep your presentation brief and to the point
  • Allow for extra time at the end of the presentation for a question and answer period
  • Be respectful
  • Do not expect an immediate answer.     Your issue may be referred to staff for more information or to another meeting for further consideration.

Staff will be happy to help you with your delegation request. For more information, please contact or call 250-996-8233 and ask to speak to the legislative assistant or the Corporate Officer.


We are collecting your personal information as it is necessary for the provision of the service you have requested. If you have questiosn about our collecting of your information, please contact the privacy officer at 250-996-8233 or by email at We are collecting your personal information under section 26 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Please list the name of the organization and those who will address Council. Please indicate beside each name if they will participate by Zoom or in person.
Purpose of presentation
You are proving information to Council
You require a letter of support for your project
You are submitting a funding application
Please provide details
Contact person
Sign above
1 + 4 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.