Mayor & Council and District staff are always working hard on exciting projects! If you have ideas for projects you'd like to see in Fort St. James don't hesitate to contact any one of your elected representatives. They are happy to hear your comments and ideas. Click on the "let's talk" icon below.
Tell your elected officials what you think and what's important to you. Complete a delegation request form
Fort St James Community Splash Park is now open for the season - open 10 am - 8 pm throughout the summer season.
ImageWe are excited to announce that the District of Fort St. James has been awarded $2.9 Million dollars to carry out renovations to this aging piece of infrastructure. Click on the press release to read more about the details about the project.
Are you turning 80 or older in 2022?
ImageThe District of Fort St. James recognizes the contribution that seniors make to our community. Those Fort St. James residents will reach the age of 80 or 100 years in 2022 are invited to visit Mayor and Council and sign the ‘District of Fort St. James Birthday Book’. They will also receive a municipal pin depicting the historic Junkers Float Plane.
Please notify the District of Fort St. James Municipal Office by June 1st, 2022 if you or someone you know will or has turned 80 or 100 years old this year. We will send an invitation to the recipient to attend the Council Chambers. Family and fiends are also encouraged to attend.
The Birthday Book will be kept at the District Office as part of our community’s historical documents. Please ensure that you or your loved one becomes Part of Fort St. James’ history.
For further information Please contact the District Office.
district@fortstjames.caThe District of Fort St. James along with Electoral Area 'C' are undergoing Official Community Plan development beginning this April. Check out the link and see how you can be involved in the project. A successful Official Community Plan depends on your participation. We have two open houses planned and look forward to hearing from you and learning what you think is most important for Fort St. James.
If you'd like to be a part of a working group, or want more information, please contact the District Office.
Fort St. James sits on the beautiful shore of Stuart Lake. Over the years and multiple highwater events, that shore has suffered some erosion. The Municipality is working with Geotechnical Engineers to carry out soil testing and develop a stabilization plan to support the slop and stop it from sloughing into the lake. This is an important project and will require multiple years and grant funding to complete.
In order to further protect the shores of Stuart Lake, the District has purchased the lots south of Spirit Square to add to its municipal public spaces.
In 2024, District engineers and planners will hold community engagement sessions to assist us in co-creating the expanded Spirit Square space.
In Partnership with Connexus Community Resources and BC Housing, The District of Fort St. James is working hard to bring affordable housing options to our community. The development will be located at 305 Pineridge Way, directly adjacent to the new Stuart Lake Hospital. This location creates a "campus of care" where medical supports are centred together in one location. The building will be three floors and have a total of 36 units. The project is hoping to break ground in the summer of 2022.
ImageImageAs part of the Municipality's Tourism Strategic Plan and resident Attraction and Retention initiatives, the District of Fort St. James is seeking your comments, feedback and overall ideas for how we can invest in, revitalize, and improve this very important community asset.
An integral aspect to revitalizing Cottonwood Park is increasing its accessibility.
The District of Fort St. James is working hard to ensure that the community is safe from the threat of wildfire. While the risk of wildfire cannot be fully eliminated, we are looking to mitigate the risk to residents, their homes, and livelihoods. The Municipality has begun this initiative by planning areas of the community to remove forest fire fuel. With grant funding through the Union of BC Municipalities, the District contracted Frontera Forest Solutions Inc to develop the wildfire resiliency report.
Each year Local Government complete the Local Government Climate Action Program Survey to gain a better understanding of what the Municipality is doing to reduce its climate impact. the full survey can be viewed here.