The District of Fort St. James is grateful to Guy Prince for sharing his knowledge of the Dakelh language with us! Look at each section below to learn new words and phrases.
The District of Fort St. James is working hard to learn the words of Nak'azdli Whut'en Dakelh. If you would like to learn more, or different words, let us know! We can connect you with language teachers and knowledge keepers to help you on your journey!
"When I (Guy Prince) present any form of art or craft, I think about how it will make a connection to the young and old. I have included the dakelh terms to help make connection to land, animals and people in this form using the dakelh language and some pronunciation tips to help sound out the words and symbols.
The syllabic symbols are all based on sound, when compared to English you must consider that dakelh does not have silent vowels or silent consonants. The syllabic symbol is based on sound. The Vowels in dakelh are the most important in all written and oral teaching in the language." The six vowels are:
A- As in had, Hadih
U – as in gun, Dusni
E – as in say, Nusde
I – as in need, Anditdzin
O – as in show, Ndo
Oo – as in boot, Dzoot
ᙥᗭᑊᘓᐣ Tsibalyan – eagle
ᙦ, Tsa – beaver
ᙦᐣᗯᒡᗧᑋ, Tsangoolht’ah – butterfly
ᘱᙜ, Lhecho – sturgeon
ᑐᑊᘁᗕᑋ, Dulk’wah – frog
ᙐᔆ, Sus – bear
ᗘᙌᑋ, Whudzih – caribou
ᘿᒡᙛᙆ, Tl’alhchooz – hummingbird
ᐅᙣᐪ, Utsut – grouse
ᐉᐣᑕᐉ, Indai – flower
Sacho ooza’ - time of the big moonFebruary
Chuzsul ooza’ - time of the small snowflakesMarch
Chuzcho ooza’ - time of big snowflakes
‘ollulh - spring timeApril
Shin ooza’ - time of bare groundMay
Dugoos ooza’ - time of big sucker fish
Danghun – summer timeJune
Dang ooza’ - time of summerJuly
Talo ooza’ - time of salmonAugust
Gesul ooza’ - time of kokaneeSeptember
Bit ooza’ - time of the char
Dak’et – fall timeOctober
Lhoh ooza’ - time of white fishNovember
Banghun nuts’ukih - travel half way by boat
Khit – winter timeDecember
Sacho din’ai ooza’ - eve of the big moonᑐᗧᐉ dut’ai, bird
ᑕᙌ dadzi, loon
ᗫᔆᗿ besk’i, seagull
ᗯᙄᑋ goozih, whiskey jack
ᐥ ᐃᑋ khoh, geese
ᗧᙜ t’acho, mallard duck
ᑕᙦᐣ datsan, crow
ᑕᙦᐣᙜ datsancho, raven
ᙥᗭᑊᘓᐣ - ᙥᑊᗭᘓᐣ Tsibalyan, eagle
ᐅᗧᙆ ut’az, bat
ᘊᔆᙌ musdzi, owl
ᙏᑋ soh, robin
ᙣᐣᙜ tsuncho, swan
ᑐᙝᐣᑐᑊᗣ duchundult’o, woodpecker
ᗕᘭᐁ wadlo, sand piper
ᙩᒡ ts’ulh, small duck
ᑔᑋᙜ dihcho, blue grouse
ᐧᐅᙣᐪ ‘utsut, ruffled grouse
ᘇᗣᑋ nat’oh, fool’s hen
ᐧᐅᙠᔆ ‘uchas, swallow
ᙣᔆᗴ tsusga, chickadee
ᑓᒡ delh, crane
ᘀᙆᗭ k’azba, ptarmigan
ᐅᔆᙓ ussa, falcon
ᙣᒡᘓᔆ tsulhyas, sparrow
ᙥᐪᘞᑊ tsich’ul, wren
ᐉᒼᗬᐣ imbin, pigeon
ᑕᔆᗸᐧ daske’, ptarmigan
ᐅᙩᐠ uts’uk, osprey
ᑐᒡᗭᐉ dulhbai, blue heron
The adverbs of manner
Accidentally, ants’i hoh, ants’i whutoh
Aslope, kuz
Backwards, t’az, k’oh
Contrariwise, tl’unnoh
Contrary (on the), tl’unnoh uhoont’oh
Crookedly, tank’us
Crosswise, yondzuz
Detail (in), hoontsul ibulh, ibulh
Every way, whunilhchoh oh, whunilhchoh whe
Fixedly, duts’a hoh, whuduts’a whe (according to the verb)
Forward, nus ; ‘un
Free, ants’i
Instantly, ahoh,soo hoh, soo ahoh
Inversely, lhdulhyoh
Jointly, lhulh ulhgha
Lump (in a), ts’iya hoh, ndulcho hoh ; Alhgoh
Openly, ts’ut ; (quite), ts’utkai
Publicly, dune nalh, ts’iyane nalh ; ts’ut
Quickly, ‘a, acho ; (very) soo ‘a
Quietly, softly, nanintsul ; (very) nanintsulyaz
Random, (at), iloh (also accidentally)
Reciprocally, lhba, lhga, lhulh, lhts’e, (according to the nature of the verb)
Round about way (in a), n’aooh
Sedately, nalhtsa yaz, nanihtsul yaz
Self (to), hoh (ghoh)
Slowly, nalhtsa ; (very), nalhtsa yaz
Softly, nanihtsul ; (very), nanihtsul yaz
Secretly,stealthily, who’iz
Straight, ts’ih ‘un
Suddenly, ghuntsul, ghun (with verb) ; (very), ghuncho
Revolution of time,
Annually, lhogwat
Day (by), dzenis
Evening (this), hulhgha
Fall (last), dak’e da’; (next), dak’e te
Midnight (at), tezniz
Morning (early in the), bundada ; (very early, bundada soo uda’cho ; (this) bunda’
Morrow (on the), ombun
Night (at), ulhdzis
Noon (at), dzetniz
Summer (last), dan da’ ; (next), dan te
Tomorrow, bunde
Winter (last), khitda’ ; (next), khit te
Year (last), nada’ ; (next) nate ; after (the), hokwat
Yesterday, hulhda’
Daily, (i.e. during the day) dzenis hoh (every day)
Day after day, lhombun dzin, lhon’at dzin
Day after tomorrow, bunde ombun
Day (to), andit dzin
Evening (this), ‘andit hulhgha ; (with the idea or futurity), hulhgha te la
Fall (this), ’andit dak’et
Night (by), ulhdzis hoh, ; (last), ulhdzis da’ ; (next), ulhdzis te ; (to) ‘andit ulhdzis
Spring (last), ollulh da’ ; (next), ollulh te, ; (this), ‘andit ollulh
Summer (this), ‘andit danghun
To-day, ‘andit dzin
Winter (this), ‘andit khit
Year (this), ‘andit nawhudizut ; after (the), ‘et hokwat
Clothing and dress. Every word helps
Apron - ghaz
Blanket - ts'ut
Clothes,clothing - naih
Dentalium shell - lhbai
Fringe - tse
Hat - ts'oh
Hem - bang
Mittens - bat
Pocket - t'oh, this term refers to a fold in clothing to keep something as there were no pockets
Sleeve - gan, same as arm
Stitch - k'ai
Nts’e, ndet, ts’eᐣᙪ ᗠᐣᘓ ᗡᓑᐁ ᗡᐣᗸᒡ
Nts’e tinya (tangoo, tankelh)
Where are you going? (walk,drive,boat)ᐣᙪ ᘧ ᐯᐣᗦ
Nts’e la hoont’i
Where are you staying? (Living)ᐣᙪ ᘧ ᐣᘏᑋ
Nts’e la nyoh
Where is your House?ᐣᘢ ᐣᙪ ᐧᐅᗥᐣ
Nloo nts’e ‘ut’en
Where is your mother?ᐣᗸᗰᐣ ᐣᙪ ᐅᔆᘧ
Nkegon nts’e usla
Where are your boots?ᐅᔆᙀᘆᘓ ᐣᙪ ᐧᐅᐣᗣᑋ
Uszooniya nts’e ‘unt’oh
Where is my Money?ᔆᑐᔆᘼᔆ ᐣᙪ ᐅᔆᘧ
Sdustl’us nts’e usla
Where are my papers?ᔆᗭᐪ ᐣᙪ ᐧᐅᐣᗣᑋ
Sbat nts’e ‘unt’oh
Where are my gloves?ᐣᙪ ᘄᙒᐣᘓ
Nts’e nusinya
Where did you go?ᐣᙪ ᗡᐣᘓᒡ
Nts’e tanyalh
Where will you go?ᐣᘐᐣ ᙪ ᐧᐉᐣᐧᐈᐣ
Nyun ts’e ‘in’en
Where did you see him/it?ᐣᙪ ᐅᗭᐣᐧᐈᐣ
Nts’e uban’en
Where did you see them?ᐣᙪ ᗘᑊᙩᐪ
Nts’e whults’ut
Where did it go?ᐣᙪ ᗙᐸᐣᑔᑊ
Nts’e whehandil
Where did they go?ᐣᑓᐪ ᘅᘄᔆᐧᐊᐉ
Ndet nenus’ai
Where did I put it?ᐣᑓᐪ ᘅᘆᐣᐧᐊᐉ
Ndet nenin’ai
Where did you put it?13.
ᐣᑓᐪ ᐣᑔ ᘐᐣ ᘅᗠᔆᐧᐊᒡ
Ndet ndi yun netis’alh
Where do I put this down?ᐣᑓᐪ ᐣᑔ ᑐᗉᐉᗡᔆ ᙝᔆ ᐧᐊᒡ ᗠᒡ
Ndet ndi dughaitaschus =cloth, ‘alh =object, tilh =long)
Where do I hang this up?ᙒ ᐣᙪ ᐧᐅᔆᗥᐣ
Si nts’e ‘ust’en
Where do I Work?ᙒ ᐣᙪ ᗠᔆᘒᐣ
Si nts’e tisyin
Where do I stand?ᐣᘐᐣ ᙪ ᐧᐉᐣᐧᐈᐣ
Nyun ts’e ‘int’en
Where do you work?ᐣᘐᐣ ᙪ ᙒᐣᘒᐣ
Nyun ts’e sinyin
Where do you stand?ᐣᙪ ᗭᘳᐪᔆ ᗘᗡᘥᑋ
Nts’e balhats whutaleh
Where is the Potlatch?ᐣᙪ ᐉᗡᔆᙝᒡ
Nts’e itaschulh
Where can I get it?ᐣᙪ ᐁᘣᑋ ᐉᗡᔆᙝᒡ
Nts’e ooloh itaschulh
Where can I get some?ᐣᙪ ᐅᔆᐧᐊᐉ ᗥᐁᘄᔆᙂᐣ
Nts’e us’ai t’eoonuszun
I know where it isᐣᙪ ᐉᗡᔆᙝᒡ ᗥᐁᘄᔆᙂᐣ
Nts’e itaschulh t’eoonuszun
I know where to get itᐣᙪ ᐧᐅᐣᗣᑋ ᗥᐁᘄᔆᙂᐣ
Nts’e ‘unt’oh t’eoonuszun
I know where he isᐣᙪ ᐧᐅᐷᐣᗣᑋ ᗥᐁᘄᔆᙂᐣ
Nts’e ‘uhint’oh t’eoonuszun
I know where they areᐣᙪ ᐅᔆᐧᐊᐉ ᗥᐁᘄᙂᔆᙂᐣ
Nts’e us’ai t’eoonuzuszun
I don’t know where it isᗥᐁᘄᙂᔆᙂᐣ
I don’t knowᗥᐁᘄᔆᙂᐣ
I knowHouse – yoh ᘏᑋ
kitchen - buta ts’ut’en ᗪᗡᙩᗥᐣ
bedroom - ts’uztez-un ᙩᙆᗟ ᐅᐣ
washroom-male-female - ts’ek’oo dune la ‘uldeh –un ᙪᗻ ᑐᘅ ᘧ ᐧᐅᑊᑓᑋ
wall – sih ᙒᑋ
ceiling – bunt’ah ᗪᐣᗧᑋ
floor – yun ᘐᐣ
carpet – yunsubal-i ᘐᐣᙐᗭᑊ ᐉ
flooring – yundzihtel ᘐᐣᙌᑋᗟᑊ
window – dadint’az ᑕᑔᐣᗧᙆ
curtain – dadint’az kadinla-i ᑕᑔᐣᗧᙆ ᗺᑔᐣᘧ ᐉ
door – datih ᑕᗠᑋ
doorway – dati ᑕᗠ
bed – lili ᘦᘦ
blanket – ts’ut ᙩᐪ
quilt – be’ nilhdo-i ᗫᐧᘆᒡᑎ ᐉ
pillow – tse’alh ᙤ ᐧᐊᒡ
mattress – k’wuts’uzti-i ᘁᗒᙩᙆᑕ ᐉ
feather blanket – ts’uz ts’ut ᙩᙆ ᙩᐪ
cup board – tsets’ai be uzdla-i ᙤᙬᐉ ᗫ ᐅᙆᘭ ᐉ
table – ludab ᘤᑕᗮ
stove – be buta’ts’ut’en-i ᗫ ᗪᗡᐧᙩᗥᐣ ᐉ
lights – hoot’en-i ᐯᗥᐣ ᐉ
broom – be tenawhultsas-i
chair – k’wuts’uzda
couch – k’wuts’uzdacho
rocking chair – k’wuts’uzdanubalh-i ᘁᗒᙩᙆᑕᘄᗭᒡ ᐉ
washing machine – naih betuna’ ugus-i ᘇᐉᑋ ᗫ ᗞᘇᐧ ᐅᗱᔆ ᐉ
sewing machine – be ne’uznuka’-i
mirror – be na’uzdunul’en-i
freezer – be’utun-i
fridge – be’nizk’uz-i ᗫᐧᘆᙆᗽᙆ ᐉ
microwave oven – bena’nidzulh-i ᗫᘇᐧᘆᙊᒡ ᐉ
dishwasher – tsets’ai be tunagus-i ᙤᙬᐉ ᗫ ᗞᘇᗱᔆ ᐉ
soap – latl’us ᘧᘼᔆ
towel – lusooma ᘤᙎᘍ
telephone – beyaduk-i ᗫᘓᑐᐠ ᐉ
bathtub – betunayaih-i ᗫᗞᘇᘓᐉᑋ ᐉ
dresser – naih be uzdla-i ᘇᐉᑋ ᗫ ᐅᙆᘭ ᐉ
bathroom sink – bela’ts’uldeh-i ᗫᘧᐧᙩᑊᑓᑋ ᐉ
shower – be tunats’uyaih-i
kitchen sink - too nindli ᗜ ᘆᐣᘬ
camera - be nek’e ‘uges-i
pictures – ‘uk’eguz-i ᗫ ᐧᐅᗾᗱᙆ ᐉ
toilet – be’ azunada-i ᗫᐧᐊᙂᘇᑕ ᐉWhy Di ha
‘et di ha edut’enWhy is he doing that?
‘et di ha edujaWhy did he do that?
‘et di ha la ‘edut’enWhy does he do that?
‘et di ha edutit’elhWhy is he going to do that?
‘et di ha eduhut’enWhy are they doing that?
‘et di ha eduhujaWhy did they do that?
‘et di ha ‘edotinelhWhy are they going to do that?
‘et di ha utsoWhy is he crying?
‘et di ha ‘ut’enWhy is he working?
‘et di ha usyinWhy is he standing?
‘et di ha ‘int’enWhy are you doing it?
‘et di ha edulhuzint’enWhy are you not doing it?
‘et di ha sindaWhy are you sitting?
‘et di ha hudlohWhy are they laughing?
‘et di ha ‘eduhut’enWhy are they doing?
‘et di ha hudilhts’iWhy are they sitting?
‘et di ha lhuzuhjunWhy don’t you sing?
‘et di ha nulhozulhyeWhy don’t you play?
‘et di ha lhe’zulh leWhy don’t you make it?
‘et di ha ‘eduhoojaWhy did that happen?
‘et di ha eduwhunehWhy is that happening?
‘et di ha ndi ‘edut’enᐧᐉᐣᙌ ‘indzi, strawberries
ᑐᘘ duje, huckleberries
ᘐᐣ ᗤᘍᐉᐧ yunt’umai’, low bush blueberries
ᘓᒡᙣᑊ yalhtsul, high bush blueberries
ᙦᒡᙤᐧ tsalhtse’, cranberries
ᐧᐅᗧᐣᗺᑊ ‘ut’ankal, rasberries
ᐧᐉᐣᙛᑋ ‘inchooh, rose hips
ᙩᘄᒡᙩᔆ ts’unulhts’us, salmon berries
ᗾᐣᘍᐉᐧ k’enmai’, saskatoons
ᘆᓑᗒᔆ ningwus, soap berries
ᑕᒼᗭ damba, red willow
ᑕᓑᗒᙆ dangwuz, goose berry
ᑐᐠᑔᓑᗺᑊ dugdingkal, thimble berry
ᑐᘆᑋ dunih, kinnikinic
ᘻ tl’o, grass
ᘻᗉᙄᒡ tl’oghazilh, cat-tail
ᐧᐉᐣᙛᑋ ᐉᔆᑕᐉ ‘inchooh ‘isdai, roses
ᙓ ᐧᐉᐣᑕᐉ sa ‘indai, sun flower
ᐥᐅᘇ - ᐉ Khuna – i animals
ᘲ lhi dog
ᗨᔆ boos cat
ᗘᙌᑋ whudzih caribou
ᙝᘆᑋ chunih martin
ᘨᐣᙜ dlooncho packrat
ᗱᗯᔆ gugoos pig
ᘤᗰᐠ lugok chicken
ᐧᐅᒡᗱᐠ ‘ulhguk mouse
ᐯᐣᘦᙆ hoonliz skunk
ᘘᘏ jeyo bull moose
ᙥᔆ tsis otter
ᘇᐣᗱᙆ nanguz fox
ᙦᘤᐠ tsaluk squirrel
ᙤᗾᐪ tsek’et muskrat
ᘊᔆᑌᔆ musdoos cow
ᗰᑋ goh rabbit
ᘂᔆᗟᑊ noostel wolverine
ᙝᐣᗞᘲ chuntulhi coyote
ᙙᔆ shas grizzly bear
ᗨᔆᙜ booscho cougar
ᘓᙄ yazi elk
ᑐᐪᘆ dutni groundhog
ᘃᑋᗭᐉ nohbai weasel
ᙏᑊᘗᔆ soljus chipmunk
ᑐᗫ dube mountain goat
ᘀᘆ k’ani woodchuk
ᐧᐅᔆᗭᐉ ‘usbai sheep
ᐧᐅᔆᗭᐉᘓᙆ ‘usbaiyaz lamb
ᑐᘆ duni moose
ᐥᐅᑕᙪ, - ᐧᐅᘍ khudats’e – ‘uma cow moose
ᙥᘑ tsiye calf moose
ᘑᔆᙪ yests’e deer
ᗘᙢᙣᓑ whutsotsung spider
ᗟᙝᔆ techus mink
ᘑᙆᘸ yeztli horse
ᙦ tsa beaver
ᑐᘞᐁᐠ duch’uook porcupine
ᙐᔆ sus bear
ᗕᙒ wasi lynx
ᘐᔆ yus wolf